חוק האזרחות הפורטוגלי (מקור) מ27 לפברואר 2015 (באנגלית)


Decree-Law No. 30-A / 2015
Feb. 27
If designate of Sephardic Jews, the Jews descendants
the old and traditional Jewish communities
the Iberian Peninsula.
The presence of these communities in the Iberian Peninsula is
very old, and even before the formation of the kingdoms
Iberian Christians, as happened with Portugal from
twelfth century.
Having these Jewish communities, from late
fifteenth century and after the Edict of Alhambra in 1492, been the subject
of persecution by the Spanish Inquisition, many
of its members were then taken refuge in Portugal.
However, King Manuel, who had initially promulgated
a law that guaranteed them protection, determined,
from 1496, the expulsion of all Sephardic Jews
(also known as marranos) which did not apply
the Catholic baptism. Thus, many Sephardic Jews
They were expelled from Portugal in the late fifteenth century and
early sixteenth century.
In general, these peninsular Jews estabeleceram-
If, among others, countries like the Netherlands, the United Kingdom
and Turkey as well as in parts of North Africa and,
later in US territories, in particular
Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and the United States of America
Despite the persecution and expulsion from its territory
ancestral, many Sephardic Jews from Portugal
and their descendants have kept not only the language
Portuguese but also the traditional rites of the ancient
Jewish worship in Portugal, saving over generations
tions, their surnames, objects and documents
supporting its Portuguese origin, together with a
Strong Memorial relationship that leads them to denominarem themselves to each other
same as “Portuguese Jews” or “Jewish Nation
Portuguese ».
With the “conversion standing ‘name by which it was
known the forced conversion of the Jews, ordered by
Manuel, left, then officially exist Jews
in Portugal, and only Christians -velhos -new and Christians,
and this new denomination of Christians -new
hid Jewish origin.
During the period of the Inquisition many of these-Christians
-new and Portuguese Jews managed to escape and exit
Kingdom, establishing themselves in some regions of the Mediterranean
(Gibraltar, Morocco south of France, Italy, Croatia,
Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt,
Libya, Tunisia and Algeria), northern Europe (London, Nantes,
Paris, Antwerp, Brussels, Rotterdam and Amsterdam)
Brazil, West Indies and the USA, among others, then creating communities
highly reputed and established notable synagogues such
as the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam, the Synagogue
Shearith Israel in New York, the Bevis Marks Synagogue
London, Touro Synagogue in Newport (Rhode
Island – USA), the Portuguese Synagogue of Montreal and
Tzur Israel Synagogue in Recife.
In the early nineteenth century returned to Portugal some
descendants of Sephardic Jews who had taken refuge
Morocco and Gibraltar, and in 1801 was created the
first modern Jewish cemetery, next to the cemetery
English in Lisbon, and in 1868 by decree of Don Luis, been
allocated to ‘Jewish Lisbon permission to install
a cemetery for the burial of his supporters’
the current cemetery Rua D. Afonso III, in Lisbon.
Even today, in many of the nicknames of Judeo families
-sefarditas, pickled himself to Portuguese matrix, but in some
cases, be mixed with the Castilian.
In the Diaspora in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom remain,
among others, surnames as: Abrantes, Aguilar,
Andrade Brandão, Brito, Bueno, Cardoso Carvalho, Castro,
Costa Coutinho, Gold, Fonseca, Furtado, Gomes,
Gouveia, Granjo, Henriques, Lara, Marques, Melo and
Prado, Mosque, Mendes Neto, Nunes Pereira, Pine,
Rodrigues, Rosa, Sarmento Silva, Soares, Teixeira and Teles.
In the Latin American diaspora maintain If, for example,
Also among others, the nicknames: Almeida, Avelar,
Bravo Carvajal, Crespo, Duarte Ferreira, Franco, Cat,
Gonçalves, Warrior, Lion, Lopes, Leiria, Wolf, Lousada,
Machorro, Martins, Montesino, Moreno, Mota, Macias,
Miranda, Oliveira, Osorio, Pardo, Pina, Pinto, Pimentel,
Pizarro, Baby, King, Ribeiro, Salvador Torres and Viana.
In addition, other parts of the world, there are
also descended from Sephardic Jews of origin
Portuguese storing, in addition to the above,
among others, the following nicknames: Amorim, Azevedo,
Alvares, Barros Basto, Belmonte, Cáceres, Caetano, Campos,
Sheep Cross Dias, Duarte, Elijah, Star, Cage,
Joshua Lemos, Lombroso, Lopes, Machado Mascarenhas,
Mattos, Meira, Mello and Canto, Mendes da Costa, Miranda,
Morão, Moroes, Mota, Moucada, Black, Oliveira, Osorio
(or Ozório), Paiva, Mortar, Pinto, Person, Black, Souza,
Vaz and Vargas.
In addition to the familiar nicknames and the use of language
Portuguese, especially in the rites, there are descendants
Portuguese Sephardic Jews who today still speak
each other Ladino, the language used by Sephardim expelled
Spain and Portugal in the fifteenth century, derived from Spanish
and Portuguese and currently spoken by about
150,000 people in existing communities in Israel,
Turkey, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, Morocco and the AME
rich, among many other places.
This law authorizes the exercise to say
the return of the Sephardic Jews descendants of origin
Portuguese who wish, through the acquisition of
Portuguese nationality through naturalization, and their integration
tion in the national community, with its attendant rights and
They were heard on a voluntary basis, the Jewish Community
Lisbon, the Jewish Community of Porto, the Council
Supreme Judicial, the Board of
Administrative and Fiscal Courts, the Superior Council
prosecutors, the Bar Association, the Order
of Notaries, the Chamber of Solicitors, the Association
Union of Conservatives of Registry and the Council
of Bailiffs.
The hearing was promoted on a voluntary basis, the
Jewish community of Belmonte, the Trade Union Association
of Portuguese Judges, of the Union of Magistrates
Public Ministry, the Trade Union Association of officers of
Registries and Notaries, the Union of Workers
of Registries and Notaries of the Northern Region, the Union
of Workers of Registry and Notary of
South zone, and Islands, the Judicial Officers Union,
the Union of Bailiffs and the Association of
Diário da República, 1st series – Paragraph 41 – February 27, 2015 1246- (93)
Like this:
Under the provisions of Article 2 of the Organic Law
No 1/2013 of 29 July, and in accordance with subparagraph a)
paragraph 1 of article 198 of the Constitution, the Government decrees
the following:
Article 1
This law comes to the Second Amendment to the
Regulation of the Portuguese Nationality, approved by
Decree-Law No. 237-A / 2006 of 14 December, modified
by Decree-Law No. 43/2013 of 1 April, allowing the
granting of Portuguese nationality through naturalization
the descendants of Sephardic Jews.
Article 2
Amendment to the Regulation of the Portuguese Nationality
Is added to the Regulation of the Portuguese Nationality,
approved by Decree-Law No. 237-A / 2006 of 14
December, as amended by Decree-Law No. 43/2013 of 1
April, the Article 24-A, as follows:
“Article 24-A
Naturalization of foreigners who are
descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews
1 – The Government may grant Portuguese nationality,
through naturalization to Jewish descent
Sephardic, when they fulfill the following requirements:
a) are age or emancipated the face of Portuguese law;
b) not have been convicted, with transit
final sentence, the practice of a crime punishable with
maximum prison sentence equal to or greater than three years,
according to Portuguese law.
2 – In the application to be submitted by interested
the circumstances are shown and demonstrated that
determine the tradition of belonging to a community
Sephardic Portuguese origin, in particular, nicknames
Family, familiar language, direct descent
or family relationship in the progenitor of collateral
common from the Sephardi community of origin
3 – The application shall include the following
documents, subject to the waiver of his presentation
by the applicant in accordance with Article 37:
a) Certificate of birth registration;
b) Criminal record certificates issued by officials
Portuguese competent, the country’s natural
and nationality, as well as countries which have
and has had residence, which must be authenticated,
when issued by foreign authorities;
c) Jewish community certificate with status
religious legal entity based in Portugal, the
by law, the date of entry into force of this
article, stating belonging to a community of tradition
Sephardic Portuguese, materialized origin,
namely, in the applicant’s name, in the language
family, genealogy, and family memory.
4 – The certificate referred to in subparagraph c) of paragraph
above shall contain the full name, date of birth,
naturalness, affiliation, nationality and
the residence of the applicant and the indication of
direct descent or family relationship in the collateral line
common parent from the Sephardic community
of Portuguese origin, accompanied by all the elements
5 – In the absence of the certificate referred to in subparagraph c)
paragraph 3, and to demonstrate the direct descent or
family relationship in the collateral line of common progenitor
from the Sephardic community of Portuguese origin
and belonging to a tradition of Sephardic community
Portuguese origin, the following means are admitted
a) authenticated document issued by the community
Jewish to which the applicant belongs, stating the
I use the same expressions in Portuguese in rites
Jewish or, as spoken by him within that
community, the rogue;
b) authenticated documentary records such as
records of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, and
residence permits, property titles, wills
and other evidence of family connection of the applicant,
via direct descent or family relationship
the collateral common parent from the
Sephardic community of Portuguese origin.
6 – When in doubt about the authenticity of
content of the documents issued abroad,
Cabinet member responsible for justice area
may ask the Jewish community to which it relates
paragraph c) of paragraph 3, opinion on the evidence
submitted under the preceding paragraph. ”
Article 3
This law comes into force on the 1st day of the month
following its publication.
Seen and approved by the Council of Ministers of 29
January 2015 – Pedro Passos Coelho – Rui Manuel
Relative Chancerelle of Machete – Anabela Maria Pinto
Miranda Rodrigues – Paula Maria von Hafe Teixeira
Cross – Nuno Paulo de Sousa Arrobas Crato – Louis
Pedro Mota Soares of Russian.
Promulgated on 24 February 2015.
If Post.
The President of the Republic, Aníbal Cavaco Silva.
Ratified on February 26, 2015.
The Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho.

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